In a realm saturated with fitness enthusiasts and wellness advocates, Andrew Kim Young stands out as a beacon of holistic health and empowerment. With a heart dedicated to empowering women through fitness and wellness, Andrew has become a beacon of hope, strength, and transformation for hundreds of individuals worldwide.


Andrew's journey into the world of fitness and wellness wasn't just a career choice; it was a calling. From a young age, he found solace and joy in movement – whether it was running through the fields, lifting weights in the gym, or exploring the depths of his limits.

But it wasn't until he discovered the profound impact fitness and wellness had on his own life that Andrew realized his true calling. Armed with a burning passion and an unwavering commitment to make a difference, he embarked on a journey to become a certified fitness and wellness coach.


For the past five years, Andrew has dedicated his life to empowering women to unlock their true potential through fitness and wellness. As an internationally accredited coach, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, specializing in weight loss, strength training, body recomposition, mobility, and functional fitness.

Andrew's path to becoming a renowned fitness and wellness coach was paved with a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and soul. By addressing the unique needs of each individual – mind, body, and spirit – Andrew empowers women to cultivate a deep sense of self-love, confidence, and empowerment that radiates from within, Andrew provides unwavering support, guidance, and encouragement every step of the way.

 With a client track record of 400 clients, Andrew's impact reverberates far and wide. From busy moms juggling family and career to women striving to reclaim their confidence and vitality, Andrew has been a trusted ally and confidant to countless women seeking to rewrite their stories of health and happiness.

From clients shedding excess weight and embracing newfound strength to others discovering a newfound sense of freedom and joy in movement, Andrew is committed to providing women with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to thrive – inside and out.

But beyond the tangible results lies a legacy of holistic success stories – stories of women who have not only transformed their bodies but have also awakened to their inner strength, resilience, and self-worth. It is these stories that fuel Andrew's passion and drive, inspiring him to continue his mission of holistic empowerment for women worldwide with a vision that is one of sisterhood, collaboration, and lifting each other up.

As Andrew looks toward the future, his vision remains rooted in the principles of holistic wellness and empowerment.

Whether through personalized coaching or educational resources, Andrew is committed to providing women with the tools, guidance, and support they need to cultivate vibrant health, balance, and joy in every aspect of their lives.